v LUCCA (Italy) Cartasia in Door and aout Door 400 exposants


LUCCA (Italy) Cartasia in Door and aout Door 400 exposants
Mardi 26 Juillet 2016, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Clics : 2080
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8° Edition Biennale of Paper is about to flood the historic center of Lucca!

arte magazinec LSchermata 2016 italoamericana CsiaFrom the beginning of July international artists are working to make the monumental paper sculptures that will be shown into the squares of Lucca in August.

A lot of events, exhibitions, creative funny labs, meetings about design and so much more!

The best in paper art of summer 2016 in Tuscany!

Cartasia, the International Paper Biennial, takes place in Lucca, a Tuscan medieval town rich in history and culture, and the biggest paper production center in Europe. The mix between production, history, tradition and art gives to the town the title of "Paper's world capital".

What does it consist of?

Paper monumental installations made by the artists invited in Lucca.
Paper Indoor Exhibition. Singular paper artworks from all over the world will be ehibit during the Biennial.
Paper design exhibition. It's not only about usual paper design, here you can find paper technical innovation or prototypes not still on market. An inspiration for the future.

TALKS based on the theme of the edition. It will be treated in several matters: economic, social, environmental, artistic and so on.
Creative LAB. Twice a week, a group of children will go on a guided visit of indoor or outdoor sculpures, then they will make their own paper arworks. Children are helped to discover art using the Munari method.
Performances where paper is used in a new and suggestive way.

© Copyright of the arists and Cartasia
Cultural Association Metropolis
Via dei Bocchi, 241 - 55012 Capannori (Lu) - Italy
T:+39 0583 429169
F:+39 0583 930988

Portraits d'Artistes

Février 24, 2016

Yuken Teruya

Yuken TERUYA transforme des objets de la vie quotidienne en objets d’art en les détournant…
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Vincent Gontier

 Vincent Gontier artiste plasticien exceptionnel. Vit et travaille à Voiron 38500Né en 1962, à Fourmies…
Avril 27, 2013

Vibeke Hoffmann

Vibeke Hoffmann produit des oeuvres d'art et des compositions à base d'Acrylique sur carton, en…
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Peintre dans la mouvance de la nouvelle figuration narrative, maniant avec habileté l’huile, l’acrylique, les…
Novembre 17, 2015

Tine Krumhorn

"Tout a commencé avec le papier ou plutôt les papiers. Papier journal, papier de soie,…
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The way par Pat & Al Eckman

The WayPatty et Allen prennent vraiment plaisir à mettre en valeur la vie des indiens…
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Shelving-unit-Kc par Debons et Parsy

Ce module de bibliothèque qui sous le poids des connaissances accumulées dans livres contenus semble…
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Raffaella Zavalloni

Raffaella Zavalloni est née à Savignano sul Rubicone en 1956. Elle vit et travaille à…

Dernières Actualités

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Sur la route du papier d'Erik Orsenna

" Un jour, je me suis dit que je ne l'avais jamais remercié.Pourtant., je lui…
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Quand le Papier fait un Carton à Charenton

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Paper is not Dead

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Origami The Infinite Possibilities

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Musée du Cartonnage et de l'Imprimerie de Valréas

A Valréas, un musée départemental unique en France, est animé par Virginie Vincent-Jardin médiatrice culturelle…
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IAPMA Association Internationale

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Exposition Hors la ville,

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