The Museum

In the early nineteenth century begins the industrial revolution: the breeding of silkworms - sericulture - is preponderant in this country. A silkworm breeder who remain famous Auguste Meynard, ask to Ferdinand Revoul, to make him small cardboard boxes for storage of seeds of silkworms. This manufacturing technique extended after to the boxes of confectionery, perfumery, pharmaceuticals.
It creates Industries Printing and lithography. Valréas then experienced its glory days by becoming European Capital of cardboard industry, being honoured today in a local museum. The historical part of the manufacture of boxes, is supplemented by temporary or permanent exhibitions of artists using paper as a carrier or as a vehicle for their works, among them Bernard Lagneau first, Marion Lamy, Pierre Riba, Sylvie Reno, ... .
Exposure Bernard Lagneau is also extended until 30 September 2012
Bernard Lagneau visual artist is our guest of honor. Class is global, it is the sponsor of the museum. This is the specialist corrugated and construction of ephemeral architectures
Already on 27 June 1991, on the occasion of its inauguration, the museum received Bernard Lagneau and then invited to discover its "Temples-Cabanes." Today, the artist translator interprets this particular material, establishes the dialogue of his sculpture mechanized cardboard with technical and industrial permanent collections of the museum. This mechanization invited to explore the expression of movement in space, hence the name "Mechanized place."
In machinery non-productive No. 83, the approach of Bernard Lagneau remains: the passion of the movement, the love of cardboard, the monumental fascination and ironic look at the desire for eternity.
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Musée du Cartonnage et de l'Imprimerie
3, avenue Maréchal Foch 84600 Valréas
Phone : 04 90 35 58 75
Horaires :
D'avril à octobre : 10 heures - 12 heures et 15 heures - 18 heures
De novembre à mars : 10 heures - 12 heures et 14 heures - 17 heures
Ouvert tous les jours sauf mardi et dimanche matin
Fermé les jours fériés sauf le 14 juillet et le 15 août
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Musée départemental du Cartonnage et de l'Imprimerie
Jeudi 26 novembre à 15h
Céline, Cendrars, Giono 1914
Lecture-spectacle de la compagnie Bonheurs de lecture
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