v ポートレート
2月 24, 2016

照屋 勇賢

照屋 勇賢 transforms everyday life objects into artworks by diverting them from their primary purpose.…
4月 27, 2013

Vibeke Hoffmann

Vibeke Hoffmann produces art works and compositions based corrugated, Acrylic and cardboard, relief, figure sculpture…
4月 27, 2013

La Cabane d'Alain Guezennec

.Titre de l'œuvre : La cabane * Matériaux utilisés : papier recyclé marouflé sur toile, acrylique* Date…
3月 16, 2016


三谷純 - Jun Mitani is an associate professor at the Tsukuba University in Japan; his…
7月 07, 2016

Vincent Gontier

Vincent Gontier is a exceptionnal visual artist. Lives and works in Voiron near Grenoble. Born…
4月 27, 2013

Chickens at heart eggs par Vibeke Hoffmann

.Technique et matériaux utilisés:Papier kraft et carton ondulé coupé sur traceur, puis les couches sont…
11月 18, 2015

Nick Georgious (2)

.Mon art est inspiré par la disparition de l'imprimé. Livres et journaux deviennent des artefacts…
3月 30, 2016

Michelle Wilson

Michelle Wilson told : My art finds synchronicity between personal narrative and contemplative activism.My work…
2月 24, 2016

Isabeau d’Abzac

Isabeau d’Abzac, the news paper writer Chantal Lyard, told to Isabeau: "My paper ladies do…
2月 24, 2016

小島 奈保子

小島 奈保子 practice an ancient Japanese art of cutting paper "Kirigami".His artworks are impressive. Some…
1月 25, 2016

Bernard Lagneau

Bernard Lagneau was born March 27, 1937 in Courbevoie (92).He lived and worked in Paris…
4月 27, 2013

Alain Guezennec

Alain Guezennec was born in 1948 near Paris. He has spent his entire career in…
4月 27, 2013

Colibris - Hummingbirds par Diana Beltran Herrera

.Les passions de Diana Beltran sont de recréer la nature dans les moindres détails mais…
11月 16, 2015

Gerald Pestmal

An artist at the legendary modesty, creativity, and inventiveness without limits..Nature is for him the…

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