The text in the Magazine
Nota : During a meeting with the journalist Henri Saporta, it took notes and we chose the 5 works maximum he could publish.
I am glad that we talk about our site even in a magazine dedicated to the packaging and in a subject related to creativity and innovation.
These intellectual loops ranging from packaging into art and art into the packaging are very interesting for the creativity of both.
We hope that this will encourage new contacts for all artists’ presents on the site.

Hubert Ferrari combines artistic creation and industrial innovation in the same intellectual approach.
Full, sincere and deeply human, Hubert FERRARI is a passionate. A passionate of paper, corrugated cardboard and art. After piloting the research and development (R & D) and innovation within Smurfit Kappa in France, Hubert Ferrari now deepens relationships in art and industry with its website "paper-art-gallery. com. "
The link between the two worlds sounds like the obvious: "In any form of art, there are more or less provocation; in any innovation, there are more or less transgression ".
The two approaches merge ultimately in the same intellectual momentum. "In the innovation process, art is a stimulant of creativity, an inhibitor of rationality, a catalyst for emotions, a creator of empathy and sympathy“.
The subjectivity of the artwork invites to overcome the conventions and preconceptions: " As each of us sees different realities in an artwork, the observation of artworks multiplies the imaginary and the universe of the group.
This approach is the source of the success of innovation in the company, it justifies to works in project group.
The explanation of this virtuous circle is based on scientific achievements: "The right brain is the seat of our emotions, our affectivity, the crucible of our imagination, the initiator of all creativity, instead of the left brain seat of rationality, the "already done" and "it did not work." The vision of a work of art activates our right brain because we are immediately in the irrational and emotional. Activate our right brain through art is an effective way to break the "already seen" come off the rationality and stimulate, initiate, catalyze, facilitate and fertilize the expression of our intuition, our imagination and where our creativity. " Expert in innovation. Hubert Ferrari was able to understand the importance of creating conditions conducive to the emergence of ideas"
The atmosphere and location are fundamental in our thinking and how to behave.
To create the conditions for innovation, it is advisable to design a friendly place in the business where we can make specific innovation meetings. In these places, we could expose artworks, and screens to access artistic sites on the Internet.
These exotic images will open the mind of members to the creativity by a kind of "reset", a reset all the background rationalities contained in their brains. The art gives a kind of unconscious licence to provoke, to transgress, in order to beginning an effective innovation process. Rich of his professional experience made by encounter of interesting people, by success and failures, Hubert Ferrari stated: "In general people that contribute the most to innovation have developed a personal artistic dimension."
The conclusion holds in a few words: "The art open our imagination."
Henri Saporta
From its site, Hubert Ferrari has selected five works of French Françoise Amadieu, Olivier Gérard and Catté Pestmal, the Belgian Laurent Jourquin and American Mark Langan.
1. Body and Graphic Françoise Amadieu Dimensions: 92 x 143 x 4 cm.
2. Tour NYBOO Olivier Catté Dimensions: 86 x 61 cm.
3. Panel Blue N • 17 Gerard Pestmal Dimensions: 100 x 80 cm.
4. Michael Jackson & Bubbles Artstack "Memento Mori" Laurent Jourquin Dimensions: 4 x 3 x 3 m.
5. Ocean Purge Mark Langan Dimensions: 102 x 71 x 6 cm.