"Pap'Argus" N° 320, January 2016
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Informations

The magazine specialized in packaging industry, giving information on all the activities, Innovation and Evolution of the main indicators of prices, published a small article on our site. Thank you to Mr. Philippe Poncet and Jean Mingori and too Madame Cecile Jarry author of the article.
Michel Gautier
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
The Artist

Michel Gautier is a cosmic figurative sculptor, poet and philosopher. Of French origin, he is now Canadian. He thinks that the human being is a part of a whole, no more, no less important than a river, a forest or a mountain range.
He speaks about illusion of separation between us and the rest of creation. He denounces the unconsciousness of homo centrism with its blind materialism, erected as a norm.
We depend on the quality of our environment and its state reflects our state.
His work has as its theme the forest and the spirits that inhabit it, it is a point of view and an ecological metaphor of the most relevant.
His installations serve as a theatre for his performances. It is a search for meaning for a "total art", multi-media and multi-sensory, which is a true interactive experience for the public.
"Our thoughts have always materialized. We thought and created our world. So today we have to think differently"
In Quebec, he renewed his artistic practice with the printed arts.
He was determined to exploit this medium with the sculptor's approach and had the vision of a totem forest. This will be his poetic ecological response to deforestation. His totem forest he made with a paper for the manufacture of which no trees were cut, i.e. recycled paper. From 2009 to 2014 he explored papermaking with Papeterie St. Armand in Montreal. That's where he chose to work with cotton pulp from recycling. His forest has grown. With about thirty totems, it has become an installation, then the theatre of her performances. That speak of the instinct of domination and the illusion of separation that generates a chronic dissociation of the human and its environment.
This search for meaning is inseparable from his work, it inspires and nourishes him.
Globe trotter, graphic designer/illustrator in Paris in the early 80s, he created the communication agency OUTREMER in Martinique in 1986. In 1991 he moved to Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean. After exhibiting frequently in Quebec, he settled there in 2004. Today he is a Canadian citizen.
From Benin, where he was born, to Quebec, animist cultures have inspired him by their intimate relationship with the world around them.
“I am a migrant artist with a soul of many origins. I explore the places where roots meet, and where all space – or belonging – becomes one. I am looking for the Identity that brings us together " he says.
The many territories where he has lived have naturally led him to question his identity. He connected African and Amerindian cultures and he chose to be from the Earth, the unique place where he lives.
WebSite - Contacts
Website : http://www.michelgautier.com/
FB : https://fr-ca.facebook.com/public/Michel-Gautier
Blog : http://artmichelgautier.blogspot.com/
Michel Gautier has participative in more than 150 exposures (staff or group), significantly in Canada, Usa, Cuba, Japon, Francia, Svizzera, Italia, Austria, Uruguay e Slovenia.
His next exhibition will take place at the Land art Créations sur le champ - Land art Mont-Saint-Hilaire - 12ème. édition - du 10 au 14 oct. 2018 . Sito: http://www.landart-creat

Elena Iacopino
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab The Artist}
My name is Elena Iacopino. I was born in Reggio Calabria
I attended the University of Messina in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies.
I have discovered my passion for « papier-mâché » since some years, even though Art has always attracted me and I can say that it is in my veins.
I painted, participating with these painting in the first edition of "Xenia book fair" international exhibition of the outdoor book in Gallico di Reggio Calabria. I have participating too to other exhibitions.
One day I discovered the « papier-mâché » and became passionate.
This medium has ancient and noble origins. It is already present in the 4th century B. C. in the art of Magna Greeks who used linen fibers, mixed with stucco and colors to create comedy masks of the phliacic farce or cultic hanged from the branches of the sacred woods.
Asya Kozina
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

She unbridled creativity amazes and marvel us.
Isabeau d Abzac
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab The Guest Artist}
Isabeau d’Abzac, the news paper writer Chantal Lyard, told to Isabeau: "My paper ladies do not dance, they walk. If they grew in beauty, it is because they believe that their duty is to always excel. A weightless dream, a almost flew body, where all ugliness disappears ... These women are great to protect the world and remove the pain of the days. "

Nahoko Kojima
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

His artworks are impressive. Some are even in 3D (by volume), it adds to our amazement. The fineness of the grounds demonstrating the dexterity and sensitivity of the artist. He emerges from his works seemingly contradictory qualities: strength, fragility and poetry. Unlike some other forms of cut-outs such traditional art Switzerland, there is no reason to repeat in his works.

Artists and artWorks present on this site
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab The ARTISTS}
Many artists use paper or cardboard to express the full range of their art or highlight particular aspects of their art.
Some artists only use paper for part of their work. In this site we will show all their explorations, researches, evolutions, which represent the richness of their know-how and their expression.
In these "artist portraits", a few files include only a brief panegyric description of the artist and one or two photos of their work found on the web.
We would be pleased if these artists could be present in a more significant way by a more complete presentation and by a real gallery containing significant works representing all their works, including those that do not include paper or cardboard, to show the scope of their art and creativity.
We invite them to contact us by email or the CONTACT form.

Laurent Jourquin
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Laurent Jourquin

He used paper and cardboard for a long period of his artistic life.
In this period his monumental sculptures are mostly iconoclastic and give a sense of the futility of things.
He cultivates a certain decline bordering on cynicism about things and events. Spiderman, Michael Jackson, the banker, political figures, everything goes.
Bernard lagneau
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

He lived and worked in Paris until 1992.
Since he lives in the department of Drôme on the South Est of France.
Student at the Estienne School in 1950-1955, until 1969 he work than model maker of books and journals.
From 1970 he began work mechanization of various "places" (a hundred to date) in France and abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic). He also built several fugitive architectures.

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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

He lived at Le Mans, Brussels, and Paris. He traveled around the world to immerse themselves in different cultures. He met and often collaborated with the biggest contemporary pictorial creation names, among others: Alechinski Pierre, Jean Messagier, Arman, Jean Bazaine, Alfred Manessier, François Morellet, Pierre Soulages, Zao Wou Ki ...
It was named Chevalier in 2007, in the Order of French Arts and Letters.
In a former life he was a professor of plastic arts and painter.
In his artworks the characters were already connected by thread or bands of colors.
He painted complex figures on canvas and paper mounted, expressionistic, trapped in the tracery, ropes, rings, ribbons, little by little, on the canvas, began to cross.
At these tortured artworks have succeeded in the second half of the 1970s, the first braids.
Following an accident in his life he became in 1997 to are ODON: anagram of "nodo" knot tracery in Italian. I was looking for to simplify Houdoin. In 1997, a Norman friend tells me of the Odon river running through Caen and I feel very Norman! It also happens that I also greatly admire Odon of Cluny, the second Abbot of Cluny. Moreover, Odon is already in Houdouin and this new name is formed with round letters. Now I only creates circles ... "
His art is moving at the same time to weave the paper: paper for its availability, and for its plastics and tactile qualities.
Kraft paper is painted and folded, twisted, flattened, pasted, and at the end braided.
Weaving represents well the complexity of our world and life.
The flexibility and plasticity of the paper related to the infinite possibilities of the types of weaves.
ODON offer a way to produce artworks of the most surprising and diverse mode.
He chose this way as the first braiding art by essence.

Olivier Catte
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Olivier CATTÉ

He went for the first time in New York in 1985 where he was immediately fascinated by the energy of the city. It was not until 1999 that the artist will decide to use New York as a frame of his work. We often find the same places, but always different depending on the light or inspiration.
Architecture, energy, noise, speed, urban rhythms, smells, articulate all the tensions that trouble the city of New York.

Nick Georgious (2)
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab Artiste invité}
Mon art est inspiré par la disparition de l'imprimé. Livres et journaux deviennent des artefacts du 20eme siècle. Notre société, est en train de passer de la consommation d'impression vers le tout numérique.
Mes sculptures sont des produits de leur environnement - littéralement et métaphoriquement.
Aussi souvent que je peux, je me sers des journaux locaux pour ajouter de l'authenticité. Les formes de la sculpture découlent et reflètent ma connexion personnelle, à cette ville en particulier.

Nick Georgious
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Tine Krumhorn
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Newspaper, tissue, coloured paper, ..., be it graphic, neutral, or silk printed ... The paper inspires me by its sensuality.
The drawing is not enough. I do my jigs, reproduced to scale, cut, glued, assembled. The drawing becomes volume and takes shape.
The originality of my work lies precisely in the marriage of materials used.

Gerald Pestmal
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

An artist at the legendary modesty, creativity, and inventiveness without limits..

Arguably it reigns supreme in his work by guiding him in his dreams.
Transcending, sublimate recovered materials is natural for him. The revisited life continues in another form, a reincarnation. Giving their true values and beauty to these renewable, recyclable materials seems to be his artistic mission.

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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Wrought recycled paper in volume as the common denominator, canvas, metal, wood, jeans, skirts as a singular pictorial expression, are the plastic alchemy of the artist.
VALMIGOT makes uncompromising artwork of great originality in which the materials are subtly diverted, thus sealing the culmination of a passion with an engaged look that overcomes any framework.

Guezennec Alain
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab The Artist}
Guezennec Alain
was born in 1948 near Paris. He has spent his entire career in the corrugated cardboard industry in a sector leader. So very naturally when he had the opportunity to devote more time to his passion for artistic creation naturally he use paper and cardboard as part of his favourite materials.
Is their "experience" that calls him, the wounds of time, traces of usage, recycling waste. From an inert and poor material, his imagination leads to forms that may as well stay in the abstraction that come to life in evocations of animals or characters. It is the material to guide him, colour punctuates forms or support but not always, the evocative power of the raw material in the glow of the chaos that can often stand on its own.
Françoise Amadieu
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab The Artist}
Françoise Amadieu is a painter who works with paper and corrugated board first. His artworks are exhibited in France and abroad and in many private collections and even a museum in Japan. She live on the Southwest of France (Gers) since five years
In creation, when we talked of material, color, composition, subject, everything has been said since there is not to say more, but to feel.
Still the support this great forgotten. Why canvas, paper, wood, glass, metal ...?

Claudine Ruelle
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Claudine Ruelle

She is an artist with a tormented temperament and playful although his works to the subtle alchemy rather inspire calm and serenity.
His work invites us to travel inside and outside.
In a first period she painted in the euphoria of an artist group called "Perspective" and his works become more introspective and is returned to a more solitary studio work.

Raffaella Zavalloni
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Vibeke Hoffmann
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Country: Danish
My work with the corrugated cardboard is to me what a sandbox is to a child. A world of options, shapes, and play.
Through my job as a designer and product developer in Smurfit Kappa Denmark (corrugated cardboard industry) the cardboard has stuck under my skin.
I love the material and all of its possibilities.

Patty and Allen Eckman - Eckman Fine Art
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists
{tab The Artists}
Patty et Allen Eckman
Two artists with a shared passion: Paying homage to nature, native culture and the beauty of imitating life.
From paper come form, elegance and grace.

Debons & Parsy
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Corrugated cardboard is their preferred material. They obtain from this material of everyday objects completely revisited with contemporary aesthetics. They realize through this material coveted objects for interior floor to ceiling, so that the daily life become more unique and beautiful.
Their artistic universe is inspired by graffiti, graphics transposing volume. The design is a way for them to create meetings between materials, locations, volumes, movement, people. Each object produced is the result of those exchanges.
The juxtaposition of their work creates new objects and increases the visual and artistic experiences.

Diana Beltran Herrera
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Mark Langan
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: Artists

Mark Langan in a self-taught artist who resides in Brunswick Hills, Ohio a suburb of Cleveland.
He left a 20+ year career in the transportation industry and, since 2004, has been expressing his creative aspirations thru the creation of unique interpretive sculptures from an unlikely source as an art medium...recycled corrugated boxes.

Michelle Wilson
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Artistes
- Category: Presentation

"My art finds synchronicity between personal narrative and contemplative activism.
My work takes the form of paper, installations, sculptures, prints, artist books, collages, and social practice interventions, all based on handmade paper I make myself. This paper is typically from plants I grow myself, or invasive plants I harvest, for which my studio practice becomes a means of clearing habitat space for native ecology.
Paper is traditionally considered a substrate; however in my work the very fibers of it’s making transcend this to become signifier, content, documentation of history and place, and embodiments of site-specificity.
The plants I gather manifest records of seed migrations, weather patterns, soil conditions, climate change and other intersections between humanity and the natural world. These manifestations in paper become a lens to view the greater world, and serve as an impetus to storytelling.

Jun Mitani
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Artistes
- Category: Presentation

"I am specialized in the field of computer graphics and geometric modelling, once the geometric principles of origami are defined, it is so easy for me to develop computer programs to make origami"
Since childhood, he is a fan of origami (artistic object obtained by folding a single sheet of paper without cutting or gluing) and origata (traditional Japanese gift wrapping). During this period he produced many paper objects by folding, by cutting and gluing. Then he discovered the computer with enthusiasm, and finally at the university he married his two passions paper and computer.

Eric Standley
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Artistes
- Category: Presentation

His work is amazing. His drawings are first made vectorially and are inspired by Gothic monuments of Oriental ornamentation. He is a pioneer in this technique: drawing and cutting layer by layer. The superposition of these layers allows to play with colors and shapes, giving in addition a more interesting slight 3D effect.

Yuken Teruya
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Artistes
- Category: Presentation

Yuken Teruya was born in Okinawa and graduated in Fine Arts in New York in 2001.

Pierre Riba
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Artistes
- Category: Presentation

Say a lot with few resources is his motto. Make complicated it is simple, but keep it simple it's complicated and laborious. This is a long-term research work that Pierre Riba performs masterfully.

Karton Art Design Studio
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Artistes
- Category: Presentation

Karton Art Design Studio is a green design studio of a two member team.
Edit Szilvasy is an installation artist who creates artworks made of salvaged materials, value out of valueless waste, bringing the nearly dead into new life.
Andras Balogh is a furniture designer who has devised an eco-friendly cardboard furniture system, which is now patented worldwide. The patent, a storage system with high level of freedom, refers to the technology of folding and assembling the cardboard into durable, lightweight furniture for multiple functions.
Ars poetica
Cardboard is mysterious, magical, exciting, just like a woman.
The surface touches warm and smooth, hiding secret waves.
Take a careless move, you tear it apart and humiliate it.
Turn towards it with sensitive attention, you find a giving, gentle and flexible partner, who inspires and supports you.
Recognize and respect its hidden strength, you find a tough, strong and durable material. You can create and build a world with it. You can entrust it with your objects, your valuables, your secrets, yourself

Emballage Magazine N980 June July 2016
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Category: News

Nota : During a meeting with the journalist Henri Saporta, it took notes and we chose the 5 works maximum he could publish. I am glad that we talk about our site even in a magazine dedicated to the packaging and in a subject related to creativity and innovation. These intellectual loops ranging from packaging into art and art into the packaging are very interesting for the creativity of both. In addition, we hope that this will encourage new contacts for all artists’ presents on the site. Our gratitude and thanks to Mr. Henri Saporta and Emballage Magazine.

Hubert Ferrari combines artistic creation and industrial innovation in the same intellectual approach.
Full, sincere and deeply human, Hubert FERRARI is a passionate. A passionate of paper, corrugated cardboard and art. After piloting the research and development (R & D) and innovation within Smurfit Kappa in France, Hubert Ferrari now deepens relationships in art and industry with its website "paper-art-gallery. com. "
The link between the two worlds sounds like the obvious: "In any form of art, there are more or less provocation; in any innovation, there are more or less transgression ".
The two approaches merge ultimately in the same intellectual momentum. "In the innovation process, art is a stimulant of creativity, an inhibitor of rationality, a catalyst for emotions, a creator of empathy and sympathy“.

Hors la Ville exhibition, as part of the 31st celebration of Children's Book of Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux from 28 January to 1 February 2015
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Category: News

The feast "Outside the city" will enable SIX libraries Drôme and Vaucluse develop specific actions, upstream of the the book Feast.
BOP Vaucluse joins this feast in presenting works of Bernard Lagneau artist in accordance with the theme of the show. The theme this year is "What a site! ".
In this context the special exhibitions are mounted by the Departmental Library Ready to Sorgues part of the 31st Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux feast of the book for young people organized from January 28 to February 1, 2015 :
BDP, Sorgues, from January 21 to 30:
"The Father Lachaise" monumental sculptures
Library Grillon from 19 January to 2 February
"Père Lachaise and mechanisms"
Library Lapalud from 27 January to 8 February:
"Huts and temples"
Library Mondragon from 23 January to 2 February:
"Ludic Models "
Library Vaison-la-Romaine, from January 20 to February 4:
"This is the site at the library Vaison"
Library Visan, from January 19 to February 2:
"Huts and mechanisms"
The themes of each of these exibitions are works of M Bernard Lagneau " utopian architect " and artist will install its machinery or concepts in 6 different stage sets. Since 1970, using corrugated cardboard as the base material, M Lagneau began with this material an installation work "mechanisms" in various places in France and abroad (Germany, Switzerland, Hungary, ...) and the construction ephemeral architectures installed in museums but also in public places.
-> Download the Brochure
Read more: Hors la Ville exhibition, as part of the 31st celebration of Children's Book of...

Paper is not Dead
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Actualités
- Category: Art Exhibitions

Besançon Nancray Exposition Du 27 mars au 3 juillet 2016
Lieu : Lieu : Musée des Maisons comtoises
25360 Nancray — Grand Besançon, Doubs, Franche-Comté
Horaires ; Mars-Avril : du lundi au samedi de 13h à 18h, le dimanche et jours fériés de 10h à 18h
Mai-Juin : tous les jours de 10h à 18h30
Juillet-Août : tous les jours de 10h à 19h

When the paper is a hit
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Actualités
- Category: Art Exhibitions

"When the paper is a hit"
Exhibition from 17/11 to 12/12/15 at Espace Art et Liberté in Charenton Town Near Paris
Tuesday to Saturday from 13h to 18h
Free entry

Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Actualités
- Category: Art Exhibitions

Tour : March 2012 - December 2014
Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami is the first museum exhibition to explore the history of paper folding, the works of the world’s foremost origami artists, and the connection between origami and mathematics, science, and design.
The exhibition, curated by Meher McArthur, with Robert J. Lang as exhibition advisor, showcases contemporary origami by renowned artists from countries as diverse as Japan, the United States, Uruguay, and Russia. It presents them within the context of origami history and examines the many evolving styles of origami today.
Read more: Folding Paper: The Infinite Possibilities of Origami

Musée du Cartonnage et de l'Imprimerie de Valréas
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Actualités
- Category: Museums, Galleries

IAPMA International Association
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- Written by: PAG Paper Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Actualités
- Category: Associations

Sur la route du papier by Erik Orsenna
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- Written by: Pap Art Gallery
- Parent Category: Actualités
- Category: Bibliography